Monday, October 7, 2024

Maine Craft Weekend, 2024

 Well, despite a small turnout we made a handful of kids (and some Adults) happy!



Sunday, September 29, 2024


I'm excited to be facilitating the only Teen Science Cafe in Maine this school year! My collaboration will be with APEX Youth Connection in Biddeford. APEX is descended from the former Community Bicycle Center where I hatched Bike Part Art originally decades ago. 

As a studio metalsmith, I have a strong cross-disciplinary relationship with STEM in terms of Chemistry, Engineering, Material Science, Physics, and Math! These days the field of Jewelry and Metalsmithing also incorporates new technology like laser welding, CAD Desisign and 3D printing. For this Cafe series, though, the students will pick the topics! We live in an area rich with possibilities that they can choose from to design three presentations for their peers between January and June of 2025. 
Stay tuned to see where their curiosity takes them in exploring the STEM landscape of Biddeford/Saco!

APEX Youth Connection 
Teen Science Cafe Network

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Woven Bicycle Wheel Residency at the Lyseth Elementary School- Portland Maine

I'm thankful to the Teachers and students at the Lyseth School in Portland for an amazing week May 13-17. We spent five mornings weaving on donated bicycle wheels from APEX YouthConnections in Biddeford  with donated rope from Sterling Rope in Biddeford. 

We learned the History & Future of Nylon and other synthetic fibers while making these wheels. Nylon which was initially developed to compete with silk is a "Fossil Fiber". It is petroleum based fiber and, although it can be recylced, it does not biodegrade. Scientists are now looking at another tiny invertebrate, the Golden Spider and analyzing their webs to produce a biodegradable option. 

Six of the bicyle wheels will be mounted on poles and installled outside as Kinetic sculptures that will spin in the wind. Lyseth School participates in Pinwheels for Peace and will have sculptural Pinwheels this year as well!

The International Day of Peace happens Annually on September 21st.

                                                      Before Finishing!

                                                       After Finishing!

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Trolley Part Prints

 Attendees to the North East Association of Trolley Organizations annual "Winterfest",held atthe Seashore Trolley Museum on March 16th ,were able to make prints from old Trolley parts. We used heat sensitive foam that was heated with aheat gun and pressed on the parts. Then the foam was pressed ontoan ink pad.

These were my favorite, created by a little girl. I gave her no directions or any prompt to make a trolley picture!  I actually expected  most folks to make abstact patterns. This tiny girl, who had been riding trolley's with her family all day, made trolleys! and  all the choices were hers!

Maine Council of the Social Studies, April 8th, Augusta

 Coming UP --April 8th --I'll be at the Maine Council of the Social Studies Conference

in Augusta!

My booth will have examples of hands-on projects that can enhance understanding and open

conversations with children about history. One of my participants recently built this Conestoga 

Wagon and told me what she was learning about the Westward Expansion!

 (We also made prints of bicyle parts.)